Intricate Weight Loss VIP Program

Intricate Weight Loss VIP Program

Achieve natural and sustainable results with expert resources and support in a small group setting.

Individual Nutrition Consultation and Assessment

  • Comprehensive evaluation of your current diet, physical activities, and lifestyle habits.

  • Detailed review of your nutrient intake to identify deficiencies or excesses.

  • Personalized recommendations for nutrition supplementation to support your weight loss journey.

  • Two 30-min sessions with a registered dietitian before the program starts and after the program ends.

Personalized Food and Nutrition Plan

  • Custom-designed meal plans tailored to your specific health goals.

  • Nutrition strategies to support weight loss, improve energy levels, and enhance overall well-being.

Supermarket Tour

  • Guided tour of a local supermarket to learn how to shop smart and make healthier food choices.

  • Tips on reading labels, selecting nutritious foods, and saving money while grocery shopping.

Consultation with a Traditional Chinese Medicine Doctor

  • Assessment of your body constitution to understand your unique health needs.

  • Recommendations for dietary and lifestyle changes based on traditional Chinese medicine principles.

Group Sessions with a Registered Dietitian

  • Four one-hour in-person group sessions focused on various aspects of nutrition and healthy eating.

  • Interactive discussions and activities to enhance your understanding of nutrition and support your weight loss efforts.

Fitness Classes with a Certified Fitness Instructor

  • Four one-hour in-person/virtual fitness classes designed to help you burn calories, build strength, and improve overall fitness.

  • Guidance from a certified fitness instructor to ensure safe and effective workouts.

Dietary supplementation

  • Dietary supplements will be provided at no additional cost after the dietitian conducts the nutrition assessment and determines if there is a need for the participant to take supplements to support overall health and weight loss.

Peer Support Group

  • Sharing of meal ideas and photos through Whatsapp

  • Facilitated by a dietitian, nutritionists, and coaches

    Why join?

    • Valuable life lessons

    • Important weight training skills for life-long healthy bone and muscle building

    • Master the skills for a better lifestyle and maintain a healthy body weight

    • Save money by getting group program while enjoying the peer support from other participants

    • Access to online education platform

    • Receive resources and handouts

Next Intake Meeting Dates:

September 22, 2024 (Sunday) 4-6 pm - Orientation

September 29 & Oct 6, 13, 20, 2024 (Sundays) 4-6 pm

Price: $1300+GST





  • 全面評估您當前的飲食、體力活動和生活習慣。

  • 詳細審查您的營養攝取情況,以確定缺乏或過量的營養素。

  • 為您的減肥之旅提供個性化的營養補充建議。

  • 在計劃開始前和結束後與註冊營養師進行兩次30分鐘的會談。


  • 根據您的具體健康目標定制設計的膳食計劃。

  • 支持減肥、提高能量水平和增進整體健康的營養策略。


  • 在當地超市進行導購,學習如何聰明購物和做出更健康的食品選擇。

  • 閱讀標籤、選擇營養食品和在購物時省錢的技巧。


  • 評估您的體質以了解您的獨特健康需求。

  • 根據傳統中醫原則提出飲食和生活方式的改變建議。


  • 四次一小時的面對面集體會議,重點討論營養和健康飲食的各個方面。

  • 互動討論和活動以增強您對營養的理解並支持您的減肥努力。


  • 四次一小時的面對面/虛擬健身課程,旨在幫助您燃燒卡路里、增強力量和改善整體健康。

  • 獲得認證健身教練的指導,確保安全和有效的鍛煉。


  • 在營養師進行營養評估並確定參與者需要補充營養以支持整體健康和減肥後,將免費提供膳食補充劑。


  • 通過WhatsApp分享餐點想法和照片

  • 由營養師、營養學家和教練主持


  • 寶貴的人生課程

  • 學習重要的重量訓練技能,維持終生健康骨骼和肌肉的成長

  • 掌握更好生活方式的技能並保持健康體重

  • 通過參加團體計劃省錢,同時享受其他參與者的同伴支持

  • 訪問線上教育平台

  • 接收資源和講義


9月22日, 2024 (星期日) 下午4-6點 - 講座

9月 29日 & 10月 6, 13, 20日, 2024 (星期日) 下午4-6 點


Watch Teresa's Testimonials

What our customers say?

S.S.: I WENT DOWN TWO JEANS SIZES!!... Losing weight was a lot easier than I thought. Most importantly eating right and working out regularly is all I need .

T.T.: After joining Amy's nutrition and diet program, it has changed my relationship with food for the better... For the first time I feel I have a road map to my goals instead of aimlessly following one fad diet after the other.

Copyright © 2024 LibraNutrition, All rights reserved.

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Office Landline: (778) 742-5066

Please save our phone numbers into your contact list to avoid missed calls.

4050-8171 Ackroyd Rd, Richmond, BC V6X 3K1