
在5月1日,加拿大糖尿病協會將舉辦其首次全國性虛擬會議, 今年主題是“齊心協力:讓我們一起結束2型糖尿病會議”, 為支持將近1,150萬受2型糖尿病或糖尿病前期影響的加拿大人, 提供了一個啟發,學習和交流的機會。多位專家分享了最新信息,以幫助改善2型糖尿病患者的護理和自我管理技巧。有關其他糖尿病資訊, 請瀏覽 https://letsenddiabetest2.ca/
On May 1st, 2021, Diabetes Canada will host its first national virtual conference to support the close to 11.5 million Canadians affected by diabetes or prediabetes. The Take Control: Let’s End Diabetes Type 2 Conference feature leading experts who will share the latest information to help improve care and self-management tips for those living with type 2 diabetes.
Diabetes Canada invited the “Cook with 3C” team, Dr. Jennifer Gao, Chef Jason He, and Amy Yiu, RD to present at the virtual conference. They will demonstrate a tasty and nutritious recipe Rainbow Stir-Fry in Kabocha Squash.

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